On to the cutting board it went. Sounds easy so far. It took me the better part of two days to decide where to cut and how much. Then it took about 15 minutes to cut it. After cutting I had to rest before starting this pleating. I was so psychologically exhausted just from making a decision. I just knew I would do something wrong but I didn't. What a wuss.
I love this iron on interfacing. It is so much easier because it stays in place while running through the sewing machine. This is just before sewing on the waist band itself. The sewing went well with out swearing. I celebrated by swearing.
Front apron closed.
Front apron open. Pocket is visible and secured
Pocket open. By opening the side of the pocket this way I was able to have a smooth apron when it is closed and still be able to access the pocket without looking too goofy. Even with this it looks like you are groping your crotch when you go for your wallet.
The pocket is deep and wide to keep it from being bulky.

This is my favorite kilt. It is comfortable summer and winter. It feels good against the skin. I goes with about any color and it fits perfect. I expect it will be with me until I go to the cutting table at the University.